I took a break from Vanner’s shiny new Capture the Flag album this morning (“Across the Stars” is 💯 my favorite) to celebrate a moment with SJ Tucker’s “Imbolc Song.” It’s a such a peaceful, lovely blessing for this time of year.
In many places in the northern hemisphere, the ground is still quiet and covered in snow, and Sooj’s song took me there. When her magical voice faded away I was back in cool, sunny Florida, where I am SUPER CRAZY EXCITED ABOUT HAVING MY STORIES COME OUT IN SO MANY LANGUAGES.
For most of my growing up years, Dad worked for an international company based in Belgium. We went to Europe when I was 9 and visited France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany… The guests at our house always spoke multiple languages. I’ve had friends all around the world my entire life.
So as I work with these phenomenal translators—beloved friends, fans, and family—I am constantly reminded just how incredibly special and precious this project is for me.
Starting March 11th (and in the coming months) we will be releasing two tales of Arilland “For Angels to Fly” and “The Unicorn Hunter" in multiple languages. So far we’re working on: German, Greek, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil), Korean, Japanese, French, and even Latin! And aaaaaall of this ahead of the upcoming release of Enchanted in German! 🥳
The Enchanted GoFundMe is still live if you want to throw in $1 to help support this project (I chose not to do a Kickstarter because these foreign editions are going to happen whether I go broke trying or not). There’s also Alethea’s Little (International) Amazon Shop—right now it’s just a cute storefront where you can find all the T-Shirts and other merch, but we hope to be experimenting with that and expanding it this year as well!
Oh, yes. There is a lot going on at Alethea’s Moving Castle. Comme toujours. But the top priorities haven’t changed: As soon as Enchanted is re-released on February 11 🥳 (I have surprises! You are going to love them!) then I buckle down and start work on THIEFTESS. We have all been waiting far too long for that one.
But as Mama Woodcutter says: Everything happens for a reason. Right now more than ever, I have to believe she’s right.
Love you all so very much!
xox ~💜~ Alethea
“The Unicorn Hunter” in German & “For Angels to Fly” in Greek…and more!
Other New Publications
Happy Groundhog Day! My narration of Carlie St. George’s extremely unsettling “Jinx” is now live at Pseudopod — I will never be able to watch the Groundhog Day movie the same way again!
My near-future short story “Sassi’s Last Ride” is available as a podcast at Starship Sofa (narrated by someone other than moi) - click here to listen!
Y’all. I’m mailing out stickers this week with my own two hands and it brings me so much joy. You totally want to be part of the Brute Squad Sticker Club!
K-Dramas I’ve Watched Since Last Time
Be sure to come to my Coffee Princess Lives to chat about these any any other K-dramas! (see most recent calendar graphic for details) 🌸☕️🌸
GyeongSeong Creature - (Netflix) Oh. My. God. I mean, everything our Park Seo-Jun does is gold, but this series is an absolute masterpiece of a monster story. Set in 1945 so it’s both beautiful and gritty, with a sort of Stranger Things Feel. The evil Japanese are doing human experiments in the basement of the local hospital. Which begs that ageless question: Who is the real monster? Ten stars, but it’s rough. You need to be in the right mood to handle it.
Welcome to Samdal-ri - (Netflix) Starring the dynamic and adorable duo Ji Chang-wook and Shin Hye-sun — Cho Sam-dal escapes her tiny hometown and becomes a famous photographer…and a victim of that relentless Korean Netizen rumor factory. She returns to Jeju Island and is forced to tie up some loose ends. this series is pretty much everything I wanted Our Blues to be. And more, because it reunites our beloved Healer and Ajumma! 10/10. It takes a village to raise a dragon!
Soundtrack #2 - (Disney+) Six episodes, about a different couple than in Soundtrack #1. This pair dated for years and broke up because he’s an optimist and she’s a pessimist. Fate throws them back together again in different circumstances…but can they make it work this time if they’re still basically the same people at heart? This one is good…but I liked #1 better.
Castaway Diva - (Netlix) Absolutely top-notch drama in which Park Eun Bin shines. Two middle schoolers try to escape their abusive fathers by leaving the island where they live. The girl with the golden voice and a chance at stardom almost manages to get away, but ends up on a deserted island instead. She is discovered 15 years later by two brothers and manages to reunite with her (now washed-up) musical hero. It’s a story of not only overcoming past trauma, but also women supporting each other in the creative industry. I wept a lot. I was also very triggered by some scenes. No spoilers, but I can promise that everyone you love comes out all right in the end. 10/10. I will be adding it to the 30-11 list!
My Demon - (Netflix) It’s a Christmas Special! In January! LOL Sigh. I really want to love something with Song Kang in it, and this drama about a Demon who becomes entangled with a chaebol family just wasn’t it. The beginning has promise, and our amazing and beautiful leads are very good at staring at each other for long lengths of time…but that can’t hold a drama together for 16 episodes when the script is so flimsy sometimes that it actively made me angry. Sigh.
PS: I was asked to be an Affiliate for the DAEBAK subscription box service! (K-pop, K-drama, K-beauty, K-snacks…💜💙) Click here to check it out!
⭐️ Help Alethea When You Shop at Amazon - for FREE!
All you have to do is get to their site by using one of my Associate Links. Then make your purchases. That’s it! (Works best on a desktop, not mobile.)
Click THIS LINK (or the link to Alethea’s little Amazon Shop, or any other link I post to get to Amazon), and then buy whatever you need. Doesn’t even have to be anything of mine. I will get $ for simply SENDING Y’ALL TO AMAZON. At no cost to you!
Bookmark it to save time! - https://amzn.to/3K6BCuk
I love this one so much I ordered it immediately…and then wore it to my Live. 😎 (Which is why the image is backward…but I’m still adorable!) For purchase links you can click here, or go to Alethea’s Little Amazon Shop!
If you buy my books using this link I get extra credit! CLICK HERE!
⭐️ Friendly Friday Roundup
Did you miss any of these fabulous friends of mine and their latest release? Make sure to follow me on Patreon to receive those straight to your inbox! In the meantime, here are the #FriendlyFriday posts of November!
Do you get Saturday SmileMail to your inbox? Make sure to follow me on Patreon to receive those straight to your inbox! In the meantime, here is the most favorited meme of December!
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Enchanted Re-Release & Arilland International Schedule! 👑
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Happy February, dearest Brute Squad!
I took a break from Vanner’s shiny new Capture the Flag album this morning (“Across the Stars” is 💯 my favorite) to celebrate a moment with SJ Tucker’s “Imbolc Song.” It’s a such a peaceful, lovely blessing for this time of year.
In many places in the northern hemisphere, the ground is still quiet and covered in snow, and Sooj’s song took me there. When her magical voice faded away I was back in cool, sunny Florida, where I am SUPER CRAZY EXCITED ABOUT HAVING MY STORIES COME OUT IN SO MANY LANGUAGES.
For most of my growing up years, Dad worked for an international company based in Belgium. We went to Europe when I was 9 and visited France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany… The guests at our house always spoke multiple languages. I’ve had friends all around the world my entire life.
So as I work with these phenomenal translators—beloved friends, fans, and family—I am constantly reminded just how incredibly special and precious this project is for me.
Starting March 11th (and in the coming months) we will be releasing two tales of Arilland “For Angels to Fly” and “The Unicorn Hunter" in multiple languages. So far we’re working on: German, Greek, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil), Korean, Japanese, French, and even Latin! And aaaaaall of this ahead of the upcoming release of Enchanted in German! 🥳
The Enchanted GoFundMe is still live if you want to throw in $1 to help support this project (I chose not to do a Kickstarter because these foreign editions are going to happen whether I go broke trying or not). There’s also Alethea’s Little (International) Amazon Shop—right now it’s just a cute storefront where you can find all the T-Shirts and other merch, but we hope to be experimenting with that and expanding it this year as well!
Oh, yes. There is a lot going on at Alethea’s Moving Castle. Comme toujours. But the top priorities haven’t changed: As soon as Enchanted is re-released on February 11 🥳 (I have surprises! You are going to love them!) then I buckle down and start work on THIEFTESS. We have all been waiting far too long for that one.
But as Mama Woodcutter says: Everything happens for a reason. Right now more than ever, I have to believe she’s right.
Love you all so very much!
Other New Publications
Happy Groundhog Day! My narration of Carlie St. George’s extremely unsettling “Jinx” is now live at Pseudopod — I will never be able to watch the Groundhog Day movie the same way again!
My near-future short story “Sassi’s Last Ride” is available as a podcast at Starship Sofa (narrated by someone other than moi) - click here to listen!
My poem “In Case of Emergency” is in Worlds of Possibility/ This special edition is FREE to everyone! So go check it out and let me know what you think!
Happiness is Happening on Patreon! 🌟
Y’all. I’m mailing out stickers this week with my own two hands and it brings me so much joy. You totally want to be part of the Brute Squad Sticker Club!
K-Dramas I’ve Watched Since Last Time
Be sure to come to my Coffee Princess Lives to chat about these any any other K-dramas! (see most recent calendar graphic for details) 🌸☕️🌸
GyeongSeong Creature - (Netflix) Oh. My. God. I mean, everything our Park Seo-Jun does is gold, but this series is an absolute masterpiece of a monster story. Set in 1945 so it’s both beautiful and gritty, with a sort of Stranger Things Feel. The evil Japanese are doing human experiments in the basement of the local hospital. Which begs that ageless question: Who is the real monster? Ten stars, but it’s rough. You need to be in the right mood to handle it.
Welcome to Samdal-ri - (Netflix) Starring the dynamic and adorable duo Ji Chang-wook and Shin Hye-sun — Cho Sam-dal escapes her tiny hometown and becomes a famous photographer…and a victim of that relentless Korean Netizen rumor factory. She returns to Jeju Island and is forced to tie up some loose ends. this series is pretty much everything I wanted Our Blues to be. And more, because it reunites our beloved Healer and Ajumma! 10/10. It takes a village to raise a dragon!
Soundtrack #2 - (Disney+) Six episodes, about a different couple than in Soundtrack #1. This pair dated for years and broke up because he’s an optimist and she’s a pessimist. Fate throws them back together again in different circumstances…but can they make it work this time if they’re still basically the same people at heart? This one is good…but I liked #1 better.
Castaway Diva - (Netlix) Absolutely top-notch drama in which Park Eun Bin shines. Two middle schoolers try to escape their abusive fathers by leaving the island where they live. The girl with the golden voice and a chance at stardom almost manages to get away, but ends up on a deserted island instead. She is discovered 15 years later by two brothers and manages to reunite with her (now washed-up) musical hero. It’s a story of not only overcoming past trauma, but also women supporting each other in the creative industry. I wept a lot. I was also very triggered by some scenes. No spoilers, but I can promise that everyone you love comes out all right in the end. 10/10. I will be adding it to the 30-11 list!
My Demon - (Netflix) It’s a Christmas Special! In January! LOL Sigh. I really want to love something with Song Kang in it, and this drama about a Demon who becomes entangled with a chaebol family just wasn’t it. The beginning has promise, and our amazing and beautiful leads are very good at staring at each other for long lengths of time…but that can’t hold a drama together for 16 episodes when the script is so flimsy sometimes that it actively made me angry. Sigh.
🌸☕️🌸 CLICK HERE to see my Top Thirty-eleven K-Dramas of All Time! 🌸☕️🌸
PS: I was asked to be an Affiliate for the DAEBAK subscription box service! (K-pop, K-drama, K-beauty, K-snacks…💜💙) Click here to check it out!
⭐️ Help Alethea When You Shop at Amazon - for FREE!
All you have to do is get to their site by using one of my Associate Links. Then make your purchases. That’s it! (Works best on a desktop, not mobile.)
Click THIS LINK (or the link to Alethea’s little Amazon Shop, or any other link I post to get to Amazon), and then buy whatever you need. Doesn’t even have to be anything of mine. I will get $ for simply SENDING Y’ALL TO AMAZON. At no cost to you!
Bookmark it to save time! - https://amzn.to/3K6BCuk
I love this one so much I ordered it immediately…and then wore it to my Live. 😎 (Which is why the image is backward…but I’m still adorable!)
For purchase links you can click here, or go to Alethea’s Little Amazon Shop!
⭐️ Friendly Friday Roundup
Did you miss any of these fabulous friends of mine and their latest release? Make sure to follow me on Patreon to receive those straight to your inbox! In the meantime, here are the #FriendlyFriday posts of November!
Catie Murphy/C.E. Murphy - Banshee Cries and Death By Irish Whiskey
Christopher Golden - The House of Last Resort
⭐️ SmileMail Meme of the Month
Do you get Saturday SmileMail to your inbox? Make sure to follow me on Patreon to receive those straight to your inbox! In the meantime, here is the most favorited meme of December!
Want to be on my 2024 Holiday Card list? Click here to signup! 🎄